10 Freaky Yet Awesome X-Men You Probably Forgot

7. Stacy X

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #399 - 2001 In a genre that often treats women as sex objects, it's surprising that there's only one superhero who's an outright prostitute. Besides Catwoman, of course. The Pretty Woman herself - Miranda Leevald - had the ability to produce and manipulate pheromones. Her powers allowed her to cause attraction and stimulate orgasms, making her perfect for seducing men and women. Which was good considering she was also covered in snake-skin, which would probably turn off a lot of gentleman callers. Stacy was discovered in the ambiguously named "X-Ranch", a brothel dedicated to mutant prostitution. Her she-pimp - Madame Drache - had the 'sexy' power of fire breath, which probably led to the worst happy endings ever. When a group of mutant haters destroyed the ranch, the X-Men saved Miranda's life and allowed her to join the team, possibly because she already had 'X' in her name. What's great about her tenure as an X-Man is that rather than punching sentinels, Stacy was used as a covert agent to gain information on enemies. And when it was time to do battle, she even had enough control of her powers to cause debilitating nausea and rectal malfunction. She could literally "scare the cr*p out of you".
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