10 Freaky Yet Awesome X-Men You Probably Forgot

6. Toad

First Appearance: X-Men #4 - 1964 Any of you familiar with the X-Men films are probably a little confused about why Toad - a villain - is on a list of heroic X-Men. More importantly, you're probably confused as to why would anyone think Toad is awesome. To be fair, Toad didn't achieve heroism or awesomeness until very recently in the comic series. When initially created, Toad was Magneto's...well...toady...who's only power was jumping really high. Years of kissing Magneto's ass most likely caused him to develop a long prehensile tongue and various saliva powers. At that point he basically had the ideal powers of a ten-year-old boy. He didn't stop there: when another mutant unlocked his true genetic potential, he gained even more amphibious powers, including pheromone secretion, wall-adhesion, and a healing factor. His changing powers also made him shift from looking like Igor to looking like a lean punk rocker. Along with his increasing power came increased confidence as Toad emerged from the shadow of Magneto and became open to heroism. Of course, being a freaky frog-man meant the best he could do was become the X-Men's janitor and reluctant teammate. On the upside, he did get to date Husk during one of her crazy episodes. Oh, teenagers!
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