10 Freaky Yet Awesome X-Men You Probably Forgot

5. Anole

First Appearance: New Mutants Vol 2 #2 - 2003 Superhuman healing is in itself a pretty badass power - just look at that Canadian guy, whatever his name is. The only thing that sucks about healing is that at best, you only get back what you lost. If you're going to lose and arm and a leg, the least you could get is interest on your return. With that in mind, mutant lizard-boy Victor Borkowski takes healing factors up to eleven. As a human chameleon, he has the stock powers you'd assume of his motif - prehensile tongue, camouflage, wall-crawling, etc. What makes him stand out is that he can regenerate whole limbs, which he had the pleasure of discovering after a particularly brutal battle. But instead of getting back his sissy human arm, he gained a spiky arm of destruction! Similar to Hellboy, Victor's over-sized right arm possesses tremendous power, enough to punch through the obligatory Sentinel robot. Since all of the X-Men are chronically emo, Victor never grew to appreciate his 20-inch python. He actually beat up another student with the arm for suggesting that he "just cut off all his limbs". We just couldn't imagine a real teenage boy passing up four super-strong dinosaur limbs.
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