10 Freaky Yet Awesome X-Men You Probably Forgot

4. Warlock

First Appearance: New Mutants #18 - 1984 Marvel has always been flexible about what is considered a mutant in-universe. For example, Namor the Sub-Mariner, an amphibious Atlantean, is considered a mutant due to his ability to fly and his white skin. This is despite the fact that he's also a super-strong fish-man who was never human to begin with. Likewise, the New Mutants' prominent mascot Warlock was a shape-shifting techno-organic alien from a warlike culture. Guess which one was his mutation? None of it: his 'mutation' is his ability to act independently of his race's culture, which is something that none of his other kin can do. Despite having a less than freaky mutation, his regular abilities more than made up for it. He could stretch his body, create energy weapons, and interface with technology. Yet, Warlock's naive and strange nature relegated him to mostly comic relief. He formed a relationship with fellow New Mutant Douglas Ramsey aka Cypher who's ability to understand any language would make even Aquaman piss his scales in laughter. They were so close that when both of them "died" - long story - Warlock returned as "Douglock" with Cypher's memories. Together, they formed a combination as potent as Captain America and a house-cat.
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