10 Freaky Yet Awesome X-Men You Probably Forgot

3. Angel

First Appearance: New X-Men #118 - 2001 With his long blonde hair, majestic wings, and chiseled physique, Warren Worthington - aka the Angel - is a truly disgusting sight. His very name makes me ill. Thank god the other X-Man with the title of Angel is much more deserving of the name: Angel Salvadore. Instead of having vaguely avian-themed powers like the Angel, Angel Salvadore has insect themed powers. In particular, her wings resemble those of a fly. She also has a fly's ability to vomit acid, giving her a more than passing resemblance to Jeff Goldblum's "Brundlefly". Balancing out her puke-worthy powers is the badass ability to vibrate her wings so fast that she can project sonic blasts, which should be impossible to aim, but whatever. She's also not too bad on the eyes; she was portrayed by the gorgeous Zoe Kravitz in the film "X-Men First Class". One team member who found her particularly hot was the birdlike Barnell Bohusk aka Beak, an even freakier X-Man who didn't even have cool powers. When a classmate dared Angel to kiss Beak, it backfired when she ended up actually falling for him. When the two eventually hooked up and she got pregnant, her weird biology produced several larvae sacks that produced bird-insect creatures. Looks like the "birds and the bees" story makes sense after all.
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