10 Insane Alternate Versions Of The X-Men You Won't Believe Exist
7. The Celebrity X-Men
For our money, the strangest reality that the group came across during their dimension-hopping adventures was devilishly simple in positioning itself as totally different from the one we were used to. It wasn't the vampire universe (fun thought that was), or even the one where Charles Xavier was a total nutjob who had been locked up not for being a mutant, but for trying to erase the entirety of humanity using his mental abilities.
In the regular Marvel Universe, mutants remain hated and feared by a large part of the population. They're seen as abominations, genetics gone wrong, a danger to the human race and everyone else besides. Despite their costumes and saving the planet time and again, they're not seen as superheroes; people find them terrifying.
Well, for Exiles member Mimic, things were a total 180 of that. In his universe, mutants - and the X-Men especially - were even more celebrated than heroes like the Avengers and Fantastic Four, treated as the preeminent celebrities of their planet, and earned the respect of everybody they came across. In most universes mutantkind live in constant fear of being ostracised, run out of town, or killed. Mimic got respect, money, and more. How's that for insane?