10 X-Men Who Looks Like Monsters

9. Emplate

The monstrous Emplate wasn't always a hideous mess. To be fair, 80% of his physical features are thanks to his being ravaged whilst inhabiting a pocket dimension, brought about when his younger siblings trapped him there and had nothing to do (directly) with his mutation. It is hard to explain what's going on with that hair, mind. So why does the main foe of Generation-X make the cut? Well, when Marius' mutation manifested, it forced him to feed off of the bone marrow of others in order to survive. The only way he can accomplish this is to use the feeder mouths (lined with sharp teeth) that are imbedded in the palms of his hands! If Emplate sucks all the life force out of someone, they will die. He is also able to take on another mutant's powers - briefly - after feeding on them, but can permanently take on their powers after multiple feedings - after feeding on Penance for so long, Emplate developed diamond-hard skin, making him highly resilient against injury. And even less likely to go out in public.
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Tommy Bobby Watanabe is an aspiring American novelist, stage actor, playwright, former LGBT rights activist, and has three years of independent professional wrestling experience and has been a big fan since 1998. An avid horror movie buff and comic book aficionado, TBW is honored to be featured on WhatCulture with some of the Internet's most talented writers and looks to spread his own knowledge and wit to WhatCulture's loyal readers.