10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Justice League Unlimited

7. Aquaman Was Banned (For No Good Reason)

Justice League Unlimited
Warner Bros.

Given Aquaman is usually one of the main members of the Justice League, many were surprised to see him totally absent from Unlimited after its first season.

As it turns out, this was down to get another case of external politics affecting the internal process of production. Aquaman was intended to be in a live-action show similar to Smallville, and was thus pulled from appearing in other media like the cartoons.

But the show wouldn't be picked up after its pilot, meaning that this ended up being kind of a waste, all in all. That said, half the reason the Aquaman film felt so good is that the character was so underutilised before then, so in a way his absence from the later seasons may have been for the best.


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