10 Must-Read X-Men Storylines

7. Fatal Attractions

Written by Fabien Nicieza, Scott LobdellArt by Various

While Fabian Nicieza is probably best known for helping create Deadpool and even his time on the Thunderbolts, we should all give him a round of applause and a pat on the back for writing the phenomenal Fatal Attractions storyline. As many already know, Magneto and the X-Men aren't the best of pals and this is probably the best example of the animosity between the two factions.

After Magneto and his team of mutants called the Acolytes take over Cable's former base and threaten to destroy humanity, Professor X decides enough is enough, dons a Shi'ar exo-skeleton suit and takes a group of X-Men, including Jean Grey, Wolverine, Rogue, Gambit and Magneto's son Quicksilver, to take him out once and for all.

Of course, a battle ensues between the two teams and a lot of people get hurt. However, none more so than Wolverine who gets his adamantium ripped from his body by Magneto as if it was a plaster. In a fit of blind rage, Professor X wipes Magento's mind and leaves him comatose and the battle is seemingly over.

What was great about this was that no one was quite the same afterwards. Wolverine was more animalistic due to the his traumatic experiences, Colossus joined the acolytes and even Professor X had some issues that would only be dealt with three years later in the Onslaught Saga storyline.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.