10 Problems With The X-Men Nobody Wants To Admit

8. They're All Pretty Incestuous

The relationship drama that Chris Claremont introduced to the series was a tad more nuanced than the love triangles that were hashed together by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, which mostly centred on everyone pining for the X-Men's only female member. Eventually it became clear Scott and Jean were the one true pairing, and that kinda ended all of that. Things grew out of control under Claremont's stewardship, with the remaining conceit that comics were for kids probably being the only thing that stopped X-Men from turning into a French-style bed-hopping sex farce. From there on out the tangled romantic relationships of the mighty mutants has been an essential part of the book going. It's a little gross, though, isn't it? At this point everyone's had a thing for everyone else at some point, with the crushes everybody inevitably has on Storm being consummated by a handful (most recently Wolverine), and a lot of them being kinda creepy. Enough of that, ta. Get them on Tinder or something.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/