10 Stupidest X-Men Mutants Of All Time

9. Callisto

Admittedly, the leader of the underground mutant settlement the Morlocks began as a pretty cool character. Her skill set was a little ill-defined, but she had a wicked eyepatch and androgynous look, and the cover of Uncanny X-Men #170 - of her and Storm engaged in a knife fight over who should continue to be the Morlock's head mutie - was pretty badass. Everything started to go wrong for Callisto a little later, but boy did it go wrong. Because she got her arms replaced by tentacles by fellow Morlock (and jerk) Masque. From that point on, Callisto lost all of her former badassery. Because she had tentacle arms. What good are tentacle arms? No good at all, which is why the character languished in obscurity since gaining them, appearing only in a handful of X-related comics and the fever dreams of the most depraved hentai addicts. The tentacle-arm thing reduced a cool character to a one-note joke. Thankfully she was put out her misery when she was one of the mutants who had their powers (in her case, stupid arms) stripped by the Scarlet Witch, a blessing in disguise.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/