10 Things You Didn't Know About Wonder Woman

1. She Was Once The Justice Society's Secretary

Back in the days when comic books were noted for their questionable content - including things that would be considered outright racist and/or sexist these days - "little ol' Wonder Woman" was asked by the male-dominated roster of the Justice League to become their secretary. Because that's what women do - they stay in the office while the boys do all the dirty work, right?! Well, apparently so back in the 1940s - even women with superpowers were relegated to doing menial office work. A mere year after her 1941 debut, having become an honorary member of the superhero team, she really did become their secretary and wasn't allowed to participate in the team's battles - even those against the likes of the Nazis. Even for the 1940s, this was extremely weird and wrong. So there you have it - ten things you didn't know about Wonder Woman. Did you enjoy this article? Did you learn some new things about the famous heroine? What else do you know about Wonder Woman that most people wouldn't be aware of? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow K.J. on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.