10 Wolverine Moments That Shocked The World

2. He Was Forced To Kill His Own Son - Also Uncanny X-Force

wolverine daken
Marvel Comics

Wolverine has major family issues. Like, if you thought Deathstroke or even Magneto had an awkward relationship with their offspring, let it be known that they have nothing on Logan.

Weapon X's most problematic child has always been Daken, the son of Logan and his deceased wife Itsu. The bisexual bombshell has gotten up all sorts of mischief in the past, even imitating his father as a 'Dark Wolverine' during Norman Osborn's tenure over the Avengers, but it all came to a tragic end in the pages of Uncanny X-Force, again helmed by Rick Remender.

As the series progressed, Daken was able to get his father one-to-one, and they engage in this sort of tragic ballet of words. All their pent up feelings bubble to the surface, leading to Logan contemplating what life could've been like, had he been there to raise his son.

The pleasantries are cut short when Daken attempts to drown his father, but Logan, ever the resilient one, manages to escape. The two then engage each other in one-to-one combat, and though Wolverine does everything in his power to not kill his son, he leaves him with no other option, egged on by a whisper given to him by his future self a few issues prior.

Rendered powerfully by artist Phil Noto, we see Logan clutch his dying son as he ponders the childhood he couldn't give him. Moments don't get much more heartbreaking than that.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.