10 Worst Things Cyclops Has Ever Done

8. Fighting His Own Team

Cyclops Worst things
Marvel Comics

As a leader, sometimes you have to make calls you don't want to. Doing the best thing for the team often involves doing things the team doesn't want to, and helping them become better fighters and better people can involve clashing with those you care about the most.

However, there is a line in terms of how far it is okay to push your team, and Cyclops crosses that line one too many times for him to be considered a good leader. His decision to insult and then fight his team, in order to try and help them regain their spirits from losing a battle is a sure sign of this, as literally nobody is actually helped by Scott's decision to just viciously turn on them.

In a time where every single member of the team could have used encouragement, or even just a word of support, Scott's instinctive response is to be a complete monster to his own team - and that's very, very telling as to the type of person he can often be.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.