10 Worst Things Cyclops Has Ever Done

9. Creating A Child Soldier

Cyclops Worst things
Marvel Comics

X-23's backstory is a tale of child exploitation and manipulation that is not uncommon in comics, but still sad all the same.

With Laura having been weaponised since birth by the people behind her creation, it would seem likely that when she finally was recovered by the X-Men, they would focus on rehabilitating her, and take her out of any fighting until the trauma of the violence she had seen her whole life had at minimum been addressed.

But Cyclops clearly doesn't believe in therapy, as within days of her arrival he sends X-23 out into a revived X-Force team, which is explicitly the worst idea of what to do with Laura Kinney imaginable. It's questionable enough that even Wolverine expresses serious concerns with the plan, which are totally ignored by Cyclops, who is more than willing to prevent Laura from starting the recovery process she needs so long as she can help him beat up some costumed crooks.

When Wolverine has to be the voice of reason about violence and its potential impact, you know something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.