10 Worst Things Cyclops Has Ever Done

5. Cheating On Jean Grey With Emma Frost

Cyclops Worst things
Marvel Comics

The messy situation that is Cyclops' relationship with both Jean Grey and Emma Frost is one that has been excruciatingly documented for an almost obscene amount of time. Summers swings between the two like a romantic see-saw, and even when he appears to have chosen one, he still tends to court the other.

This debacle reaches its peak when Scott cheats on Jean - who he has married, at this point - by having psychic sex with Emma, justifying it because they aren't physically doing anything.

Seeing Scott's reaction when he's finally caught, however, makes it very clear he's aware that what the pair are doing is wrong on several levels, but that he simply found it easier to cheat with Emma instead of actually trying to work through his issues with his wife.

While Jean's past is also not perfect, she doesn't have freaky mental sex with anyone, which means Cyclops is fairly squarely in the wrong for this one.


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