10 Worst Things Jean Grey Has Ever Done

9. She Messed With Her Past Self

Jean Grey Uncanny X-Men
Marvel Comics

There were few more mysterious characters in the Battle of the Atom X-Men series than Lady Xorn - with her full-body metal armour, sweet cape, and nondescript fire powers. These powers are only initially ambiguous, however, because it is revealed that Xorn is actually the secret identity of a future Jean Grey who had been transported to the past.

While Jean explains away just outright not revealing who she is to her past-self and team, it doesn't ring strictly true. With Jean Grey's power requiring so much practice to not just immediately overload, at minimum some tips from her future self could have helped Jean immensely and saved a fair number of lives at the same time.

Similarly, given basically every other future X-Men gives their past self some guidance, it's clear that helping them out isn't causing some time shenanigans, so there's literally nothing Xorn-Jean would have lost by giving past-Jean a high-five at an absolute minimum.


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