11 Ridiculous Wonder Woman Villains You Won't Believe
10. Angle Man
Angelo Bend became a supervillain who was obsessed with crimes with "unbeatable angles". Because of his motif, he took on the name, Angle Man.
One of his first schemes was to use a mechanical brain to bring inanimate objects to life. The first thing he brought to life with this device was a cigar and made it beat up a gangster. In the same story, he used the mechanical brain to animate sunken ship-masts at a ship yard to attack Wonder Woman.
At this point you might ask "what does living cigars and animated ship-masts have to do with angles?" The answer is absolutely nothing. So why is he called The Angle Man?
Because his weapon of choice is a triangular ruler, which he calls The Angler.
Don't get me wrong. The Angler itself is really powerful. Not only does it allow the supervillain to teleport but he can use it to warp time and space.
But it's impossible to take it seriously as the Angler is based on a tool for geometry. It's a mathematical appliance. It shouldn't be used as a weapon of death!