14 Craziest Things We Learned From House Of X And Powers Of X

11. Suicide Squad

Powers of X 6 Moira
Marvel Comics

There are many things that Jonathan Hickman does well when it comes to writing captivating comic book stories. However, when it comes to action scenes, he might be second-to-none in the current comic book landscape. Simply put, he creates badass fights that leave readers in shock and awe. Just look at the Battle of Wakanda from his Infinity storyline or the insanity that took place during Secret Wars.

While the crazy battle during House of X #4 doesn't quite hit those levels, it didn't stop it from having a massive impact on readers and the entire story of House of X. After all, it's not every day you watch an entire team of X-Men go to destroy the Mother Mold that Orchis are trying to create. However, what they originally thought would be a rather difficult time actually turned into a crushing suicide mission.

That's right, in one issue Hickman killed off Wolverine, Husk, Archangel, M, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Mystique and Cyclops in brutal fashion. Witnessing their bloody demise at the hands of Orchis agents is certainly painful to watch, especially for Xavier, who begins to cry at the loss of his X-Men and the sacrifice they made for their fellow mutants.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.