5 Characters Marvel Need To Reinvigorate

2. Frog-man

Avengers Time Runs Out
Marvel Comics

Yes, Frog-man! He's not done much since his iconic panel from Original Sin where he jokingly eluded to murdering someone as a child. He doesn't have the flashiest power set either, his suit allows him to leap large distances and it also enhances his strength. He's previously popped up in several major storylines including Fear Itself and Spider-Island. There was even an occasion in the Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes cartoon where he failed an audition to join the team by jumping too high and crashing into the ceiling. Dream big, Frog-man.

Frog-man is a thoroughly endearing guy who inexplicably makes himself useful in spite of his limitations. While he is largely a joke, there's definitely a place for him in stories being told currently as we've seen characters of his ilk work before. Squirrel Girl and Bob: Agent of Hydra are prime examples of characters who appear to be jokes but bring real value to particular runs.

He's willing to do his part and it's earned him the reluctant respect of some major Avengers including Carol Danvers and Hawkeye. Eugene Paul Patillo may not have your respect now, but given the chance - he'll earn it. Give Frog-man a chance!


Gary has been reading Marvel Comics since he was 6 years old. Rather than retain knowledge on things such as Maths or Science - he chose to become a sponge for most things Marvel. He has a longstanding grudge against Iron Man he has harbored since Civil War(2006).