8 Best Times X-Men Joined The Avengers

4. Cable

Uncanny Avengers Captain America Wolverine
Marvel Comics

After the war between the Avengers and the X-Men has died out, Captain America comes up with the brilliant idea to form a new team, comprising the best of both. This is a sound plan, or at least it would be if he didn't invite a certain Wade Wilson into the fold.

In fact, Deadpool is so Deadpool that it drives Spider-Man to quit out of utter frustration, leaving a place on the squad that needs to be filled.

As the Shredded Man's (seriously?) hordes of demons are about to wipe out the uncanny ones, as well as all life on Earth, Scott and Jean's baby boy shows up and unleashes hell from his very large gun.

This leads to them battling old Shreddy Boy to his ultimate defeat and that, it would seem, is that, with Nate looking like he's going to head back to the future.

That is until Cap mentions to him that their next mission is to take down the Red Skull who is, as previously mentioned, in possession of Professor X' s brain. Cable enlists in the Avengers, and the coalition between the team and the X-Men is renewed.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.