8 Best Times X-Men Joined The Avengers

3. X-23

Uncanny Avengers Captain America Wolverine
Marvel Comics

After the events of Fear Itself, Laura Kinney is revealed as one of the many students that will train to take a place on future Avengers teams. While here, she, along with the rest of her classmates, will learn under some of the best teachers available in preparation of one day becoming part of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Though this is never seen through to its ultimate end, X-23 has a tragic story all of her own.

She befriends Finesse, a fellow mutant who has the same difficulty connecting with people due to a seeming lack of emotion, and these two are as thick as thieves. But when Jeremy Briggs attempts to release a superhuman cure, their friendship takes a turn for the worse.

After he defeats X-23 and attempts to burn the hell out of her with acid, Finesse uses an unconscious Laura's arms and stabs him to death... Which wouldn't be a problem if she told her and didn't leave her to believe that she'd done it all by herself.

When X-23 eventually finds out, it isn't pretty.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.