A-Z of Judge Dredd - 26 Important Things You Must Know

U is for Karl Urban

Karl Urban is the man for the job. There's no doubts about it. After seeing the trailer and then reading the reviews post San Diego Comic Con, it's clear the right choice was made this time when casting old mega chin. Urban has a great look, isn't conceited enough to feel he has to remove the helmet to keep his fans happy, and damn it he's a bloody good actor too! He's been in Lord of the Rings, Star Trek and even been part of the Bourne movies for heaven's sake. And let's not forget his delivery of that famous line "I am the law!". Just a perfect choice. Don't believe us? Here's the trailer.


V is for Vienna Dredd

Vienna Dredd is the illegitimate daughter of Rico Dredd and a female reporter he met on the prison planet Titan. After her father's death she grew closer to her uncle, blissfully unaware that is was he who had killed daddy Rico. It was until she was kidnapped by Harry Carmen in 2101 that she found out the truth about how her dad had died. She would find it in her heart to forgive uncle Joe but he wouldn't allow her to stay close to him - sending her away for over 2 decades before she returned to Mega-City One.

W is for John Wagner

John Wagner is the genius mind behind the fantastic Judge Dredd series and is credited as being the driving force in the resurgence in boys comics in the 1970's. As well as being the true father of Dredd, Wagner has had his stunning graphic novel A History of Violence turned into a big screen movie (see our Top 100 Comic Book Films feature) and has publicly gone on record to say that the upcoming Dredd movie is exactly how he imagined a Dredd movie should be. With a stamp of approval like that we're surely in for a treat come September.

X is for Xenomorphs

Comic books love a good crossover these days, especially when they pit their unstoppable hero against the might of the Alien race from the Alien movie franchise. We've had Superman Vs Predator, Alien Vs Predator, Batman Vs Aliens and now there's Judge Dredd vs Aliens. Judge Dredd vs Aliens was published weekly in 2000 AD and was a crossover piece with Dark Horse Comics. But how do these destructive creatures find their way into Mega-City One you ask? Simple really. They are smuggled in to be used in illegal pit-fighting rings by an anti-judicial activist by the name of Jimmy Godber. As is always the case the Xenomorphs break free and wreak havoc across the city, leaving it to Dredd and his faithful fellow Judges to bring them to justice and save the city from certain death.


Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.