Complete Guide To Every X-Men Character Who Returned After Death

18. Boom Boom

How Did She Die?

Boom Boom was taken hostage (that's twice now, for those who are counting) by another fascist human - this time, it was the grotesque, masked Leper Queen. Under Bastion's control and desperate to be free of it, the Leper Queen concocted an elaborate plan where she would wait for X-Force to come and rescue Boom Boom and kill her in the process - a long, drawn-out suicide, essentially.

When X-Force arrived on the scene, they took out the Leper Queen's miniscule, ineffective force and were moments from freeing Boom Boom when they were suddenly thrown hundreds of years into the future by Cyclops, who had just located their Christ figure Hope somewhere in the timestream. Assessing the situation and deciding the Hope mission was more important, Cyke ignored the team's protestations.

With X-Force vanishing into thin air, the Leper Queen grew pretty damn pissed that she wasn't going to get her eternal freedom of death... so she turns around and shoots Boom Boom in the head.

How Did She Come Back?

Not to worry though, as upon returning from the future, X-Force managed to arrive a little earlier than when they had left, thus being able to save Boom Boom from execution. We also get to see X-23 shoot the sh*t out of the Leper Queen, which is extremely satisfying.


Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.