Jonathan Hickman's X-Men: 5 Reasons To Be Excited

2. A Return To Form For Many Characters

House of X 1
Marvel Comics

Due to the current Age of X-Man event, many of the biggest X-Men characters have been absent from the main continuity. As well as this, certain characters, such as Magneto or Emma Frost, have had some lacklustre comic book appearances prior to the aforementioned event, making their forthcoming resurgence in Hickman's title quite exciting.

Along with the characters' resurgence story-wise, almost all of the cast have either returned to a previous costume or have been given an entirely new one, adding a fresh visual lease of life to these heroes and villains.

The addition of these costumes will help to bring back the uniqueness that made the X-Men so fantastic from a aesthetic standpoint, as well as furthering the idea that these characters are misfits, not a military team.

Bringing some of these characters back up to their usual stance and combining it with this fresh coat of paint are rather simple changes, but ones that will add a lot to the personality of the book in the long run.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!