4. Batman: Venom (Legends of the Dark Knight 16-20)
Batman becomes addicted to a strength-enhancing drug called Venom. While it grants him strength, it starts to break down his life and mind. He becomes his own worst enemy. Batman is usually prepared for anything, and ready to take down any and all threats that appear before him. However, here, we see that sometimes Batman can stumble. He isn't infalible. He can make mistakes. It's important for Batman films to explore the hero's weaknesses. An indestructible hero just isn't interesting. It's more fascinating to watch a character rise above their shortcomings rather than gloss over them and/or never reference them. Still, let's not overlook the other huge possibility with this story that films can explore. Venom is the drug that Bane uses to grant him strength. In a film, they can combine this story with any of Bane's stories. Batman can use Venom to combat Bane, which drives him made with power. He soon realizes his dependence on Venom is destroying him...and then he'd need to defeat Bane without the drug. ...you know, now that I think about it, this sounds a bit like a Spider-Man story...