What Happened To Everyone Who Joined The Weapon X Program?

6. Silver Fox

Wolverine X23
Marvel Studios

Hoo boy, this one...

Silver Fox is one of the most complicated characters in the entire Marvel universe. One of Logan's many love interests, the Blackfoot woman was seemingly killed by Sabretooth, and in a sane world, that would be the end of it. But this is X-Men, where straightforward narratives go to die, so of course there was more.

Turns out a lot of Logan's memories were mental implants made by Weapon X as a long con gambit to solidify their control over him. One of them was his relationship with Silver Fox, who as it turns out was working with Weapon X the entire time. She was also a mutant herself, with very similar powers to Logan and Sabretooth.

Except not really as it turns out the memories WERE real the entire time! Oh the mutant part was true, but the part about her being part of Weapon X turned out to be a clone of her the entire time. Because making one of their most popular characters deal with clone shenanigans has nothing but upsides for Marvel, am I right?

Confused? Just be glad I didn't bring up that time they made her a high ranking agent of HYDRA. Yes, a native Canadian born into the Blackfoot Confederacy...was a member of HYDRA. That's all I'll say about that.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?