What Happened To Everyone Who Joined The Weapon X Program?

5. Maverick

Wolverine X23
Marvel Comics

Not every member of the Weapon X Program was a mutant. Sometimes you need a more human touch to resolve a situation, and for the leaders of Weapon X, those jobs went to the leader of the CIA's Team X, Christopher Nord: Maverick.

Nord was born in Germany under the Soviet rule of Eastern Berlin. When the Russians released their hold on Germany, thus putting Nord out of a job as a freedom fighter, he became a mercenary, even marrying one of the nurses he met in a hospital. However, this is comics, so of course, some REALLY unpleasant stuff happens to Chris, leading him to joining the Weapon X Program as a field agent, giving himself the codename of Maverick.

Things went well for a while, Maverick even getting his own covert ops team known as Team X, until Weapon X did the most unexpected thing that they have ever done and - gasp, horror - betrayed them to further their own ends!

Fortunately that didn't take, and Maverick sought out employment elsewhere after Team X fell apart. Currently he is working freelance as a mercenary again.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?