X-Men: 10 Actors Who Could Play The MCU’s Magneto

8. Ken Watanabe

Magneto Viggo Mortensen
Warner Bros.

Ken Watanabe is a big-name actor who already has a little experience in the superhero world, in the form of Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins. That seems like a great start, right? Wrong! He was, unfortunately, cast as the decoy Ra's al Ghul, giving him no English lines, no relevance to the plot and even ousting him as a fake towards the end. Maybe it's time the guy who is great at playing villains plays the main villain this time.

Watanabe has proven himself to be a very versatile actor with a lot of blockbuster credibility. He's starred in some huge movies like Inception, the Godzilla series, The Last Samurai and Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. In each of those, he brought a strong on-screen presence and carried a ton of weight. Thus, it's clear that he could also carry the (less metaphorical) weight of the Golden Gate Bridge, as Magneto is want to do.

The reason Watanabe works so well in intimidating/villainous roles is that he's great at commanding a room with minimal expression. He's stoic and subtle but still incredibly powerful and eye-catching, which is why he'd be stellar as Magneto.


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