10 Most Sacrilegious Video Game Movie Moments

3. Mortal Kombat Annihilation - Everything

Max Payne Mark Wahlberg
New Line Cinema

First, there was Super Mario Bros. missing the mark completely.

After that there was Street Fighter, which retained some elements but still wasn't true to the games. Then 1995 came around, and "Mortal Kombaaaat!" did a fair job of at least following the games' personality. It was generally a favourable movie, if a little camp.

What could go wrong for the sequel two years later?

As it turns out: everything. Killing Johnny Cage within minutes of the opening, swapping out Raiden for a completely different actor (with vastly different accent) and all round being a big ol' pile o' crap. Shoehorned characters that no-one really cared about, rubbish plot about discovering Animalities (once hidden secret finishers in the games) and rehashing the classic theme tune into some weird remix - it was not well received.

No wonder it's taken until very recently to greenlight another MK movie.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.