9 Weird Times Gaming Personalities Featured In Movies

7. Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos Plays A Starfleet Official - Star Trek Beyond

Star Trek Beyond Jeff Bezos
Bloomberg & Paramount

It's fair to say that Amazon founder, CEO, and president Jeff Bezos is best known for overseeing the operations of his behemoth company, which has expanded beyond simple retail shipping to video streaming, cloud computing, A.I. software, and is now attempting to crack the next-generation video game market.

In addition to purchasing a number of small gaming startups over the years, numerous reports indicate that Amazon is working on a top-secret "Netflix for Games" cloud computing streaming service, intended to roll out next year to rival Google Stadia.

And Bezos, being one of the richest men on the planet, can of course use his clout for various reasons, which in 2016 included filming a small cameo in Star Trek Beyond.

Bezos lobbied Paramount hard for the cameo, insisting on a speaking role pivotal to the plot so that he couldn't be cut out, but agreeing to go under any make-up transformation the production required.

Bezos appears as a Starfleet official prepping a fellow officer for a call with Captain Kirk (Chris Pine), telling her, "Speak normally."

You'd never, ever guess it was him without knowing, which given the immersion-breaking potential was probably for the best.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.