10 Achievements Awarded For Doing The Impossible

4. Unachievable - The Stanley Parable

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Anyone who's played the Stanley Parable knows just how much it loves to mess with common gaming tropes and mechanics.

Its ability to flip even the most well-established video game ideas on their heads doesn't just end with its gameplay, though. It also extends to its achievements, as is the case with this one specific achievement called "Unachievable."

As the name suggests, "Unachievable" is meant to be impossible to get. Even its description in the achievement list says so, as if to mock you for thinking you could actually 100% complete Stanley Parable like it was any other normal game.

Luckily, the developers were not cruel enough to completely prevent you from obtaining "Unachievable."

You just have to cheat by playing with the game's files and altering them so that the achievement automatically unlocks itself the next time you boot the game. Alternatively, you can also perform a sequence of random and impossible-to-predict actions that fans of The Stanley Parable are still struggling to understand to this day.

Leave it to Stanley Parable to mentally torment its players even when they're not playing.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.