10 Actors Who Reprised Iconic Roles For Video Games

9. Christopher Lloyd - Back To The Future: The Game

video game movie cameo
Telltale Games

If we’re lucky we’ll never have to deal with a Back To The Future remake or belated sequel, since it’s pretty rare to find a trilogy of great films that tell a complete story; another instalment would only risk muddying that.

The closest we're likely to get to a fourth movie is Telltale’s Back To The Future: The Game, which continues the adventures of Marty and Doc while they do more accidental damage to the time space continuum. For what could have been an easy cash-in, the game is actually a charming expansion of the series, with Christopher Lloyd returning to play Doc and absolutely nailing the role.

The game has a few presentations issues and the plot gets positively nuts towards the end, but it was better than anyone dared hope and Lloyd helps give it that BTTF feel; a surprise cameo by Michael J. Fox in the last scene is a great touch too.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.