10 Amazing Video Game Villains Hiding In Terrible Games

6. Lothar - Wolfenstein: Youngblood

wolfenstein youngblood lothar

A spin-off from the main Wolfenstein series, Youngblood sees players take control of Jessie and Zofia, two American girls who join up with the French Revolution in an effort to free it from the Nazis in control in this alternate history.

Overall, this is a game that feels like a spin-off. The storyline didn't pack the same kind of punch as the main entries, partly due to how the outlandish characters that come with the series' alternative history seemed to be absent. This is especially the case for the main characters. Youngblood did at least have a stellar villain in General Lothar Brandt.

This cunning and ruthless individual is the governor of Neu-Paris and, in true baddie fashion, manages to find himself at odds with everyone in the game. Disillusioned with the Nazi Regime, his megalomaniacal personality leads him to attempting to establish an all-new Fourth Reich.

Lofty ambitions, an unhinged ego and a willingness to get his own hands dirty - Lothar is the big bad the two girls and their French Resistance allies hardly deserved.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.