10 Amazing Video Game Villains Hiding In Terrible Games

5. Erwin - Pac-Man World 3

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Prior to the release of Pac-Man World Re-Pac in 2022, the Pac-Man World franchise was one of those interesting little series in gaming history that never really got off the ground. In fact, by the time the third entry came about, the series wasn't even being released in Namco's own home region.

That's right, this arcade classic franchise would end up as a 3D platformer with a talking Pac-Man in a game that Japan wouldn't even touch.

Pac-Man World 3 introduces a new character to the series, a small man named Erwin who acts as the game's antagonist. A wacky, but ultimately brilliant, individual, the story shows Erwin stealing the energy from the Spectral Realm, the home of the Ghosts. With the energy being siphoned out having a catastrophic effect on the real world, Pac-Man is forced to team up with his old nemesis in order to stop this mad scientist.

World 3 is a strange chapter in Pac-Man history, and probably the worst entry in the series, however, Erwin's achievement of dismantling the realm in which the Ghosts reside is no small achievement.

His wacky characteristics and challenging boss fights are also the high points of the game, feeling suitably like a boss encounter with some tricky sequences required to master.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.