10 Amazing Video Games That Didn't Deserve To Flop

4. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Midnight Suns
Square Enix

As promised, we come to the second Marvel game on this list, and another one that on paper did everything right, yet was crushed by dodgy choices outside of the developer's control.

Guardians of the Galaxy is a great, single-player focused shooter set in the world of Marvel's ragtag heroes. Though it may be disappointing that you only get to play as Peter Quill, the character writing for the whole team is so strong it's easy to overlook. Just getting to hang out with the other Guardians on their ship would be enough to sell this alone, but throw in some visually stunning levels, surprisingly emotional plot turns and an as-expected charming soundtrack, and Guardians of the Galaxy really is the full package.

Unfortunately, the title sank like a stone due to the failure of another Square Enix game called The Avengers. You might have heard of it?

That notorious release was one of the biggest gaming disappointments of the decade, and as such many players were rightly skeptical about picking up Guardians, not helped by marketing that didn't totally make it clear what kind of game it even was.

As a result, despite deserving way more, Square Enix's title came in well under expectations sales-wise, and is unlikely to get a sequel.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3