10 Amazing Video Games With INCREDIBLY Short Development Times
9. Uncharted: Lost Legacy - 15 Months

The Uncharted series has been a staple of the PlayStation library for many years now. It’s cinematic nature and sense of discovery has made it a fan favourite, and most players eagerly await the release of the next chapter. However, after the release of Uncharted 4 in 2016, the idea that another game in the series would be released the next year was bit of a shock. But a welcome one.
Modern AAA releases are known for their long development time. The technology these games are designed with is progressing at a faster and faster rate, and with increasing competition from other developers, most companies take their time. To develop a game in only one year and three months today is almost unheard of.
However, Naughty Dog did it, and they did it well.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is seen as a high point for the series. After leaving Nathan Drake, many fans were concerned that the series might suffer, but they found the characters both charming and relatable. The design was solid, and the game didn’t feel like it was just filler, as some had feared.
Keep doing what you’re doing Naughty Dog, it’s working for you.