10 Amazingly Bizarre Video Games You Must Play

2. Seaman

Seaman game

Seaman will likely turn off a significant amount of players based on first impressions alone. A Dreamcast exclusive, it is more of a virtual pet simulator than an actual game. The player is tasked with the responsibility of taking care of a Seaman, a bizarre fish-like creature with a human face.

The Seaman is intelligent and speaks to you with what sounds like a kind of creepy George Takai impersonation. Using the Dreamcast microphone you are able to have conversations with it, and in fact are encouraged to in order to keep it from dying of boredom. This leads to some strange interactions and oddly personal questions, which adds an unsettling atmosphere to the whole affair.

Things only get weirder as the Seaman grows and you beginning breeding it with other Seamen, which is a grossly disturbing process. In fact, grossly disturbing is an accurate description of Seaman as a gaming experience. It is so baffling on a conceptual level you have to wonder how it ever got made.

It’s a must own game for anyone who still has a Dreamcast, if only to be able to freak out your family and friends with. It’s pretty unforgettable, which is something you can’t say about most video games.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.