10 Annoying Video Game Enemies WHO STOLE YOUR ITEMS!

8. The Devourer - Alternate Reality

Klepto The Condor

The Devourer, as you might have guessed via the name, likes to eat a whole lot of things. It also likes to eat your things, although it manages to have a moral compass about this - because, you know, it's a monster, but that doesn't mean it has to be a bad guy.

The Devourer will only come and snack on your inventory if you have too many items - so, in a sense, it is kind of doing you a massive favour by doing a spot of spring cleaning for you so you don't have to.

Which might not be a total solace if it turns out to have taken something you wanted to use, of course. But when you're facing off against a creature with its own special theme song, it's hard to stay mad for very long.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.