10 Annoying Video Game Trends That Must Die In 2017

8. 'Unlocking The Map' In Open-World Games

GTA V ending

We have our good old friend Assassin’s Creed to blame for this one, and in its defence, it’s not all that bad.

Started all the way back in the first game, the method of opening up objects and the ability to see the layout of the local area was ingenious. It masterfully implemented itself alongside the parkour mechanics, and gave Ubisoft a chance to showcase their beautiful sandbox, full of necks to stab. But then it got beat over the head and flung helplessly into every single open-world game since.

It’s damn near impossible to even come up with an open-world game that doesn’t rely on this 'towers mechanic' to reveal their map, and it’s getting even more tedious. Instead of being a new and creative way to experience the game and slowly piece the map together, it becomes a burden as players must waste an hour at the beginning to open the entire map.

It worked for Assassin’s Creed, but it’s gotten to the point where this industry standard for sandbox games. Even GTA V restricted and de-coloured its map until you'd travelled every inch of it.

Come up with something new, games industry!


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.