Most of the games on this list are generally pretty great in their own right, and it could be this fact that leads to so many boss fights feeling anticlimactic in comparison to the high quality seen in the rest of the game. Arguably though, no other game mentioned here is as influential and legendary as the original Half-Life. Anyone that's played Half-Life will remembed how intense the game was, with the apocalyptic underground Black Mesa Research Facility and action-packed surface levels. The final section of the game, set on the alien world Xen, just wasn't that great though. Filled with irritating jumping puzzles and difficulty spikes, Xen just wasn't the climax players were hoping for. Even worse, the final boss ended up taking the form of a giant floating fetus. The fight is generic, the boss looks ridiculous, and Half-Life goes out with a whimper. Fortunately, time has remembered Half-Life fondly, whitewashing the rubbish Xen section from memory.