10 Awesome Facts We Just Learned About Upcoming Games

9. Borderlands 3 Has A Co-Op Level Scaling System

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 was announced just a few short weeks ago, and in an enormously refreshing move, fans have just a few months to wait to play the sequel, which will release on September 13 of this year.

Gearbox have been drip-feeding new information to players over the last few weeks, perhaps the most crowd-pleasing of which is the announcement that co-op play has been overhauled for the sake of maximum accessibility.

Namely, Borderlands 3 boasts a "level scaling" system, allowing players to play together no matter their own level or campaign progress, while rewards are individual, ensuring no enterprising teammates can hoover up all the loot.

Though there are definitely balance issues to be considered, this should result in a far more hassle-free multiplayer experience than in previous games, allowing drop-in, drop-out play between friends without differing progress getting in the way.

The Division 2 just recently proved how brilliant level scaling can be when implemented correctly, and it's a design philosophy that makes Borderlands 3's multiplayer infinitely more appealing from the outset.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.