10 Awesome Free Horror Video Games You Can Play Online

8. The Road

Slide in the woods
Dead Unicorn

The Road is a simple title, but one that is incredibly effective in it's storytelling. It follows the structure of a somewhat basic narrative adventure, choosing what you want to do based on a list of a few options. It is very reminiscent of a 'choose your own adventure book', with many options leading you straight into a grizzly fate.

You play as a man who is on a road-trip around Europe with his family. Sounds quite nice. However, in true horror movie fashion, the car has broken down in the middle of a spooky forest in the dead of the night, and there is no phone signal or any passing motorists.

You are given simple options; wait in the car, walk forward, left or right. Whilst there is no real gameplay, the narrative is supported via text and disturbing imagery, with a low hum ever-present as you make your decisions. The game employs use of light jump-scares along with the overall eerie nature of the narrative in question to create an unsettling experience.

Despite the lack of any true gameplay, if you are looking for an interactive horror story, you certainly can't go wrong with The Road.


Hi, I'm Morgan. Fan of all things Games, Film, TV, Comics and just about anything else you can think of.