10 Awesome Free Horror Video Games You Can Play Online

7. Slide In The Woods

Slide in the woods
Jonny's Games

Slide in the Woods is a short horror title centred around... well... a slide in the woods. It follows the 'repeating-hallway' formula of horror game, but this time rather than a hallway, the player is tasked with sliding down an innocent playground slide on a nice sunny day.

On the first few slides down the fun embodiment of childhood joy, you'd never believe you were even playing a horror game, with the blue sky and bright sun acting as a perfect backdrop to the simple experience of sliding down a slide at the local playground. Of course, it doesn't remain this way, you soon discover that maybe the slide isn't just a way to allow the player to relive their childhood. As after a few slides, the once bright and sunny day takes a decidedly darker turn, as the blue sky turns to black and the sun vanishes. Dare to keep sliding down the now sinister plastic tube and the player will find themselves wishing they had just stayed at home and not gone to park that day. Soon enough, there is no park.

The once innocent experience becomes dark and foreboding, especially once you realise that something may be watching you... lurking in the shadows.


Hi, I'm Morgan. Fan of all things Games, Film, TV, Comics and just about anything else you can think of.