10 Awesome Free Horror Video Games You Can Play Online

2. Next Door

Next Door is a faithful adaptation of one of Junji Ito's famous horror short stories. It remains true to the unsettling tone of the source material, faithfully capturing the dread and gradually escalating psychological horror.

You play as a young woman called Mimi, who has recently moved into a new apartment block. (Apartment blocks again...maybe this one will be nicer?). After confronting a noisy neighbour, you encounter a tall woman, dressed from head to toe in black clothing, her face obscured by a scarf, glasses and a hat. Yes, she's as creepy as she sounds.

Without giving away aspects of the plot, the main gameplay loop sees you exploring the apartment block, interacting with objects and characters as the narrative unfolds. The most unsettling aspects of the game come from the fact that the mysterious woman in question is always lurking in the darkness... silently observing.

This, coupled with the well-crafted audio cues such as loud footsteps, create a creepy and unnerving atmosphere that is sure to keep you on edge. For fans of the original Manga, it's aspects such as these that truly bring the story to life and allow for the story to be presented in a far more immersive manner.


Hi, I'm Morgan. Fan of all things Games, Film, TV, Comics and just about anything else you can think of.