10 Awesome Original Properties To Shake Up Gaming

2. Beyond: Two Souls

David Cage is one of the most interesting and thoroughly ambitious video game directors working today, after his last two games, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, for all of their flaws, sought to push the boundaries of what video games could be. Cage looks to push the bar even further with Beyond: Two Souls, aiming for an even more immersive and emotionally resonant experience, indicated by the absolutely stunning graphics above, and in case you didn't realise, yes, that is Ellen Page playing the game's protagonist. Like all of Cage's games, it is a stunningly daring title that asks a lot of philosophical questions, specifically - "what happens after we die"? Page's character, Jodie Holmes, has supernatural powers, specifically a link to an unseen entity that defines her life; Cage allows us to play through the pivotal moments of her life from ages 8-23, and like in his other games, the decisions we make will have an impact on the outcome. While it all seems a bit vague and cloudy for now, we're extremely optimistic about this one. The problem with Cage's games to date has primarily been that he hasn't cast particularly good voice actors in the roles, but an actress of Page's calibre will surely bring the necessary gravitas to a role that will sorely be in need of it.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.