10 Awesome Rewards From Killing NPCs

6. Jeremiah Compson - Red Dead Redemption 2


Rockstar Games strikes again, this time with Red Dead Redemption 2's amusing pat on the back for taking out the human trash.

In the Stranger mission "The Iniquities of History," you'll meet Jeremiah Compson, a downtrodden man who you attempt to help by breaking into his old home and reclaiming some of his possessions.

Except once in the house, it becomes clear that Jeremiah was a proud former slavecatcher, and once Arthur returns to Jeremiah, he burns most of his possessions in front of him. 

Jeremiah then makes a desperate attempt to shoot Arthur but the gun jams, at which point players are given the choice - kill Jeremiah for his horrifying past or leave him to his life of destitution.

And if you decide to indulge your bloodlust and do away with Jeremiah, you'll actually receive an honour boost, which leads to better loot, cheaper goods, and NPCs engaging with you in a more affable way.

Given that killing NPCs almost always results in an honour loss, it's pretty telling that the game will cut you some slack for murdering a vile racist. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.