10 Awesome Rewards From Killing NPCs

5. Cokatolis - Final Fantasy VII

Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII doles out an especially cruel reward for showing abject disregard not for human life, but that of some animals minding their own damn business.

In Mt. Corel, you can climb up the wall alongside the railway track and find a bird's nest, which in addition to hosting two adorable chicks, also contains some unspecified treasure.

As the player, you're given the choice of either taking the treasure or leaving it, and if you decide to nab it, you'll suddenly be faced with the mama bird, the Cokatolis.

A battle will ensue against the angry bird, though she doesn't put up much of a fight, and most players should be able to cut her down in a matter of seconds.

And so back to the treasure, which is then revealed to be 10 Phoenix Downs. While you might've expected the treasure to be a little more fanciful and a bit less practical, you can never have enough life-restoring items in Final Fantasy, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.