10 Awesome Rewards From Killing NPCs

4. Face McShooty - Borderlands 2


In Borderlands 2, Face McShooty is one of the few psychos who isn't actively baying for your blood, and you can find him hanging out at the Broke Face Bridge in the area of Thousand Cuts.

More to the point, all Mr. McShooty does is stand around and loudly beg someone, anyone, to put him out of his misery by shooting him in the face.

Hell, it's even a mission in its own right, aptly titled "Shoot This Guy in the Face." 

If you take the gig and swiftly pop a cap in his dome, he'll shout "Thank you!" as he drops to the ground like an otherwise lifeless sack of you-know-what. 

As for the reward? First you'll receive 385XP and over $2000, and then to go one better, you'll also pop the achievement "Well That Was Easy." 

Considering the entire second it took to kill this suicidal NPC, that's a pretty great return on your time investment.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.