10 Awesome Secret Endings In Recent Video Games

4. The Mudokon Uprising - Oddworld: Soulstorm

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Oddworld Inhabitants

In the grand tradition of the Oddworld franchise, Soulstorm includes four different endings which are doled out depending on the player's performance.

Playthroughs are governed by a "Quarma" rating, which goes up or down depending on how many Mudokons players are able to save.

The worst ending is achieved by saving 80% of the Mudokons in six levels or less, causing Abe and all the Mudokons to die while the evil Molluck gets away with everything scot-free.

The merely "bad" ending, for saving 80% of your pals between seven and 11 levels, sees Abe burned to death on a train which then crashes into and destroys the Soulstorm Brewery.

The good ending, by saving 80% of Mudokons from 12 to 16 levels, has Molluck's fellow Glukkons turn against him, while Abe and his pals ride a train to safety.

But those who achieve 80% survival on all 17 of the game's levels will receive an extra postscript ending, with a series of newspaper reports confirming that Molluck has gone into hiding while the Mudokons are implied to have escaped their slavery en masse.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.